jan 31 '25

w3ll, first off, i mad33 this blog! so th3r33. som3thin that iv33 3njoy3d doin ov3r th33 last f3w days -as b33n goin through this "fak33 liv3blog" thing of hom3stuck ov3r on tumblr. its sup3r cool in my -umbl33 opinion b3caus33 3v3n tho th33 blog its3lf is T3CHNICALLY postin stuff in 2024 (and 2025 but im catchin up still), its actin lik33 th33 y3ar is 2009 and goin through th33 upd8s as th3y actually upd8ed :33

curr3ntly im at th33 july 30th post in my r3adthrough of the blog. idk if ill talk about this mor33 lat3r or what but i do lik33 r3adin through it. i dont R3ALLY f33l lik33 linkin th33 blog its3lf h3r3 though

on a mor33 p3rsonal tang3nt, it might be a bit -ard to b3li3v33, but the christmas tr333 is still up atm, so th33 plan is to tak33 photos with it and th3n l3t it go

mom tak33 m33 -om33 im scar3d